
Welcome to the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival (DPIFF) 2025, where innovation meets recognition! Introducing our groundbreaking “YouTube Release program”, an exciting initiative for filmmakers to showcase their creations on the esteemed DPIFF Official YouTube Channel. Among the coveted Best Short Film category nominations, filmmakers now have the opportunity to join a vibrant community celebrating cinematic brilliance across diverse genres.

About “Pyaasa”
The plot of this movie revolves around two interconnected themes: the critical importance of water conservation and the stark disparities between the affluent and the underprivileged. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are immersed in a world where access to clean water is increasingly scarce, posing existential challenges to communities worldwide. Against this backdrop, the film delves into the lives of characters from contrasting backgrounds—a wealthy family accustomed to abundance and a struggling community grappling with water scarcity. Through their intersecting stories, the movie not only underscores the urgent need for water conservation but also highlights the stark contrast in lifestyles and privileges based on socio-economic status.


At its core, this film serves as a poignant reminder of our shared responsibility towards the environment and our fellow human beings. It portrays how the availability of water can shape destinies and exacerbate inequalities, calling for collective action and empathy. Through compelling storytelling and evocative visuals, the narrative prompts reflection on societal disparities and the ethical imperative to ensure equitable access to life’s essential resources like water. Ultimately, the movie aims to ignite conversations, inspire action, and awaken a sense of stewardship towards water conservation and social equity among its audience.

From the Director’s Pen
As the director of this poignant film, my intention was to weave together two crucial themes: the urgency of water conservation and the stark disparities between socio-economic classes. Through meticulous storytelling and evocative visuals, we aimed to illuminate the growing scarcity of water resources worldwide. Our narrative unfolded as a powerful exploration of how this scarcity disproportionately affects marginalized communities, contrasting their struggles with the privilege often enjoyed by the wealthy.


The film delved into the daily challenges faced by those without reliable access to clean water, juxtaposed against the extravagant consumption habits of the affluent. By presenting these stark realities side by side, we sought to provoke introspection and foster empathy among our audience. Beyond raising awareness, our hope was to catalyse meaningful dialogue and inspire tangible actions that promote sustainable water management and social equity. Through this cinematic journey, we aimed to galvanize viewers to confront the pressing issue of water scarcity and advocate for a more just and sustainable future for all.

In conclusion, “Pyaasa” has endeavoured to shine a spotlight on the dual crises of water scarcity and socio-economic inequality. Through the lens of storytelling, we have depicted the stark reality that while water is becoming increasingly rare and precious, it remains unevenly distributed, leaving millions without adequate access. The film underscores the urgency for collective action to conserve water resources and ensure equitable distribution, emphasizing that access to clean water is a fundamental human right that should not be contingent upon one’s economic status.


Moreover, the narrative has prompted reflection on the broader implications of socio-economic disparities. By portraying the contrasting lives of the affluent and the underprivileged, we aimed to highlight systemic injustices and advocate for policies that promote inclusive development and social justice. The film serves as a call to action, urging individuals, communities, and policymakers to prioritize sustainable practices and policies that address both environmental challenges and socio-economic inequalities. Ultimately, “Pyaasa” challenges viewers to consider their role in shaping a more equitable and sustainable world where every person, regardless of their background, has access to the basic necessities needed for a dignified life.

About the Cinematographer – Mohammed Fouzuddin
As a visionary director, Mohammed Fouzuddin has carved a unique niche in the realm of cinema, blending artistry with social consciousness. His journey into filmmaking began with a deep-seated passion for storytelling that transcends cultural boundaries. Fouzuddin’s approach to filmmaking is characterized by a meticulous attention to detail and a profound understanding of human emotions. His films are known for their thought-provoking narratives that delve into complex societal issues while resonating with universal themes of love, loss, and redemption.

Fouzuddin’s directorial prowess is underscored by his ability to capture raw emotions and portray them authentically on screen. Whether exploring the intricacies of human relationships or shedding light on pressing social issues, his films leave an indelible impact on audiences worldwide. Through compelling storytelling and visually captivating cinematography, Fouzuddin invites viewers to introspect and empathize with characters’ journeys, fostering a deeper connection to the narratives unfolding before them. His commitment to cinematic excellence and storytelling integrity sets him apart as a director who not only entertains but also enlightens, challenging societal norms and provoking meaningful dialogue on the human condition.

Story, screenplay, direction- Mohammed Fouzuddin
D.O.P- Naveen Chidathala 

Watch now!
Dive into this fresh theme of what “Pyaasa” represents.
Click on- https://youtu.be/b-F58Vj7vaQ?si=TqBGePlndpTuJ79x

Explore the magic of “Pyaasa” and its journey through the lens of DPIFF 2025. Join us in celebrating cinematic brilliance and cultural diversity!


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